Drawings and Paintings

Artist Statement
The natural world fascinates and inspires me, just like it has for so many artists throughout history. In my art, I search for the overlooked, the unglamorous, and the emergent emotions in a human portrait, a trampled leaf, a dead insect, or old cotton bolls. The effects of time on nature, objects and humans intrigues me. I want to become a visual poet of quiet and sometimes extraordinary beauty.
I am a Seattle-based artist, born and raised in Northern Québec, Canada. I've had a life-long interest in art, and started my formal training at Gage Art Academy in Seattle in 2014. I hold Exhibiting status in the Federation of Canadian Artists.
Growing up speaking French in a small rural town I seek connections with artists from all over the world. I find that painting and drawing are universal languages. I experienced this first-hand while studying Academic Painting and Drawing at the Repin Academy of Art in St. Petersburg, Russia in July, 2018.
I draw and paint every day. I primarily paint from still life and love the magic and humor of trompe-l’oeil paintings (from the French language meaning 'to trick the eye'). I admire trompe-l’oeil works by Jan Van Eyck, Juan Sanchez Cotan, William M. Harnett, John F. Peto, and René Magritte. I am attracted to the emotional content of objects.
I am proud to have one of my still life paintings featured in the UK Magazine “Artists & Illustrators”, November 2017. I exhibited one work at the London Art Biennale 2021.
My paintings can be found in collections in Australia, Canada, and the United States.